Hello World, Your First Group Photo
From space we see our earth as it truly is — a tiny blue globe, fragile and beautiful, which is our only home. We discern no barriers between races, religions, countries. We perceive the essential unity of our species and of our planet. …… (0 comment)

A Secret Plan to Stop Solar Energy Let’s suppose that your aim is to promote the use of fossil fuels like coal. The problem you face is the rapid rise in the efficacy of solar power along with the declining price of solar installations. It now appears we can achieve total renewable energy production within… (0 comment)

Civilian Control of Military?
‘The good society does not concede authority to the military power. This is not because of the danger, much feared in the less fortunate lands, that it will replace the civilian government…. Rather it is because the modern military power is not beholden to the larger public interest, urgently and solemnly as this is avowed;… (0 comment)

The Judgement of Hammarabi
The Judgements of justice that Hammurabi the able king has established ….   In order that the strong not oppress the weak, that justice be given the orphan and the widow, I have inscribed my precious words on my stela … Hammurabi of Babylon, King of Babylon (1792-1750 BC). His black basalt stela, anciently captured… (0 comment)
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